
Meet the Town of Ocean Isle Beach
Incorporated in 1959, Ocean Isle Beach is a small seaside town located in Brunswick County, North Carolina.
Challenges Encountered
- Managing complex processes for loans and other transactions
- Streamlining services for residents and employees
- Maintaining continuity of services during weather events
- Payroll Services & Collections
- Remote Deposit Capture
- Check Positive Pay
- ACH Positive Pay
- Online Wires
The Town of Ocean Isle Beach’s First Bank experience.
The town administrator and finance officer, Daisy Ivey, weighed in on Ocean Isle’s relationship with First Bank.
How has partnering with First Bank helped the town?
Fortunately, we haven’t faced many financial challenges since we started our partnership; but nonetheless, First Bank has helped us simplify many of our processes for loans and other regular transactions.
What is unique about the financial needs of a township as opposed to a company or organization?
As a township, we support and help government employees, residents and visitors, and deal with town projects. On top of that, we’re a coastal town so we deal with unique challenges like flooding and hurricanes that other towns don’t normally encounter. First Bank works with us on all of these challenges and issues, and helps ensure we are supported through every season.