Enjoy Hassle-Free Online Payment Processing
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Payment Processing for Hassle Free Finances
First Bank’s online payment processing offers a pricing advantage while reducing the likelihood of fraud. Our payment services include credit card processing and transaction tools.
Credit Card Processing
This option is available in-store and on mobile and allows you to streamline cash flow. By choosing First Bank’s services, you’re able to take advantage of these benefits:
- Competitive rates with no hidden fees
- Multiple authorization networks and transaction processing methods
- National processing capabilities
- 24-hour in-house merchant help desk
- 48-hour merchant settlement (24-hour merchant settlement if going to a First Bank account)
Want to take advantage of these many benefits and capabilities at your business? Online payment processing is highly secure and comes with detailed reporting at First Bank. We offer a broad range of payment processing solutions for in store and mobile retailers.
Start accepting cards at your store today with a free demo or visit a local branch for more information.