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Digital Banking Enrollment

Secure and easy to use, take your local branch with you wherever you go.
Phone with First Bank login

Step 1Enroll in digital banking

Welcome to a simple and safe way to check your account balances, pay bills, transfer funds and much more! Please choose the category of digital banking in which you would like to enroll:

Digital Banking for Personal and DBA Clients

You’ll have everything you need to manage your finances.

Personal banking and DBA business clients can enroll with their social security number and date of birth at the link immediately below.

Enroll Today

Digital Banking for Business Clients

Online banking for business is an internet-based cash management system.

Please contact your local branch to enroll and get started.


Step 2Go mobile with the First Bank app

Want to bank on the go? Here’s how:

  1. Use the text-to-download box below to send yourself a link.
  2. Use the link to download First Bank’s digital banking app for your iPhone or Android smartphone.
  3. Download the app for your tablet as well by clicking one of the links on the right while accessing this page on your tablet.
Text to download our digital banking app

Step 3Explore our digital tools

  1. While First Bank does not charge for mobile banking, check with your mobile service provider for web access fees. iPhone® and iPod Touch® are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc. Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
  2. If you have any questions about online banking for business, please call us at 1-866-435-7208 or send an email to, Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM (EST).