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232 West Broad St.
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
F: 910‑862‑5574
Mailing Address:
First Bank - Elizabethtown
P.O. Box 366
Elizabethtown, NC 28337
  1. Monday
    9am - 5pm
  2. Tuesday
    9am - 5pm
  3. Wednesday
    9am - 5pm
  4. Thursday
    9am - 5pm
  5. Friday
    9am - 5pm
  6. Location has an ATM.
  7. Location has a drive-thru.
  8. Write a review of this branch.
Branch exterior

Welcome to First Bank Elizabethtown, NC!

We are pleased to be the community bank of choice for Elizabethtown, NC. Here you’ll find straightforward advice from our local financial experts and sophisticated financial products to keep your accounts on the right track. We offer personal banking, business banking, digital and mobile banking, mortgage loans, business loans, and wealth management services.

At First Bank, we offer the same services as the big banks, but with personalized service from bankers who know your name and live in your neighborhood.

  • Deposits and Other Transactions
  • Commercial Loan Advisors
  • Business Solution and Treasury Specialists
  • Home Loan Professionals Available by Appointment

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